Welcome to the Lombard Thunder Junior AA blog. This is designed to be interactive with the parents and have the kids see how much fun they can have this year. Please visit frequently. Note the link to Lombard Baseball League on this site. Lombard Baseball League has all the information you need regarding league rules and regulations. Thanks and we are gonna have some fun this year - Go Thunder!!!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


On Wednesday we will be having a scrimmage against team Muck Dogs.  The scrimmage will be at our normal practice time and place (field #4 Pleasant Lane, 6:00 - 7:30).

PLEASE be there 15 minutes early so I can put the roster lineup together and have the players organized for the scrimmage.  This will be a good warm up for us as we get ready to start the season.

Also, please come in uniform.  You can wear last year's uniform if you like or this year's.  Just make sure you have grey pants and a Thunder jersey and hat. 

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